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Bridging the digital gap with CobolBridge

Bridging the digital gap with CobolBridge

أخر عمل ・ 31 يوليوز 2020 اقرأ المزيد Open In New icon

Many leaders are convinced by now that they have to move their core business systems away from COBOL sooner rather than later. CobolBridge is Anubex' newest solution that allows these organizations to combine maintaining COBOL code with executing Java/C#. In other words, it equips IT teams with the right tools to benefit from the advantages of a modern and open platform like Java or .NET, while developers have the option to keep using the COBOL they know so well. This makes it possible for developers to transition to Object-Oriented languages such as Java or C# gradually over time, for example, team by team. Find the modernization solution best suited to your platform, strategy, goals, and needs. Learn more about CobolBridge.

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