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Coding for a Safer World

Coding for a Safer World

أخر عمل ・ 28 يناير 2020 اقرأ المزيد Open In New icon

NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance project is amongst the largest and most comprehensive NATO projects in recent years with a budget of 1.7 billion USD. It improves the in-theatre situational awareness and facilitates effective decision-making. Bianor’s task was to develop a software module responsible for providing Main Operating Base and Transportable General Ground Station entities the functionalities of dealing with motion and primary imagery data streams, following respective NATO standards – STANAGs. In other words, Bianor created a software infrastructure capable of processing multiple simultaneous data streams coming to the Front End Processor from all external sources (aircraft or ground radars).

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51 Alexander Malinov Blvd.

1712 Sofia - بلغاريا

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